D a f e r m o u W i n e r y
D a f e r m o u W i n e r y

Above the Lefkara Valley, Ktima Dafermou blends uniquely with the natural surroundings of the vineyards and the rolling hills. The winery is perfectly located, just 7 kilometres (From Skarinou Exit on the way to Lefkara) from the Nicosia-Limassol main highway.
The winery, like the wine, joins new world and old world aesthetics. Modern Materials-concrete-glass, stainless-steel- are juxtaposed against Lefkara building techniques. The respect for the estate’s unique territory guides all aspects of production; limited quantities to ensure exceptional quality, organic production. Ktima Dafermou is an exceptional facility that can offer beautiful settings for both indoor and outdoor private events.
O u r W i n e r y

Dafermou winery was established in 2007 with visions of producing top quality wine. With more than 20 varieties planted in our three vineyards; Lefkara, Vavatsinia & Agioi Vavatsinias, we have a large choice of blends to create. Our goal is to find the varieties that perfectly complement each other to create the perfect all around wine. Our main goal is to promote local varieties accompanied by some of the best and most known international varieties.
T h e S t o r y B e h i n d O u r W i n e r y